We have a dream. In our dream, people care for, help and protect the Baltic animals and their care is not just about taking a holiday photo by the sea. We would like Balticarium to become a meeting ground for all the lovers of the sea, the small and the big ones. We see our portal as an on-line venue for exchanging views, sharing poems, fairy tales and interesting facts about the Baltic Sea and its residents. We believe the best way of increasing and intensifying the pro-Baltic Sea actions is by getting to know our sea better and by bulding positive feelings towards its inhabitants.
We want to spread and broaden the knowledge of the Baltic Sea. Children who know the Baltic animals and take care of them are the dream we pursue. Moreover, we strive towards building wide awarness among adults of the aquatic animals of the Baltic, which will ensure their safety and prosperity in their natural habitat as an integral part of our ecosystem.
We believe in human kindness. What unites us is the vision of Earth as a place which humans and animals share equally and where they peacefully co-exist. Such inter-species solidarity is possible if we elevate the rights of those who cannot speak and treat them with respect, while re-thinking our own role on the planet and open up to new forms of our own existance.
The Internet is a wonderful place that allows ideas to spread freely and provides a quick access to interesting resources. We have already invited children, educators, artists, biologists, writers, parents, bloggers and poets. Now we are waiting for you. If you want to share your texts about the Baltic Sea and marine animals, please write to us.